Professionally Managed by
Tritz Professional Management Services
1525 E 17th Street, Suite A
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Blue Heron Park
2615 Basswood Street, Newport Beach
2615 Basswood Street, Newport Beach,
Park Hours: Sunrise to Dusk daily, excluding HOA events
No excessive noise
Adult supervision required for safety of children
No motorized vehicles except ADA mobility devices
Obey dog leash and clean-up laws
Littering is prohibited
No fires or hazardous activities
No smoking or e-cigarettes
Please respect these rules for safety and courtesy toward all your Eastbluff neighbors.
Right to pass by permission, and
subject to control of, owner:
Section 1008, Civil Code
What is a Little Free Library?
It’s a “take a book, return a book” gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories. A Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share.
The way it works is simple:
We initially stock the LFL with a variety of good quality books that we hope will interest our neighbors, young and old alike!
You stop by and take whatever catches your fancy.
You return and bring books to contribute when you can.
LFL books are always a gift – never for sale!
Because of communities like ours, the Little Free Library movement has rapidly grown. Many Libraries have been installed and thousands of books shared around the country as well as around the world. Little Free Library’s mission is to:
Promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide.
To build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations.
Enormous THANKS to former
Eastbluffers Chad Sparks for
his inspired design,
construction and materials, to
Jason Kuri for roofing
material and to Jin Jao Lu for
his donation to register at
And to visitor Jennifer Baron for her
donation of talent to paint the mural
on the side!
Eastbluff Little Free Library in the News
Little Free Library Steward Sharon Esterley
Visit our Little Free Library
Leash Laws Enforced in the Park
Newport Beach Municipal Code: 7.04.020 Leash Required.
No person having the care, charge or control of any dog shall cause or allow, either wilfully or through failure to exercise due care or control, such dog to be present upon any beach, street, alley, or public place, or upon any private property or premises other than his or her own without written consent of the owner or lessee of such land unless such dog is securely restrained by a substantial leash or chain not exceeding six feet in length and controlled by a person competent to restrain such dog.
Newport Beach Animal Control has the authority to cite violations in the park. Call 949-644-3717 to report.
Park Committee
Nancy Kerr, Co-chair
Susan Seger, Co-chair
Carolyn Cooper
Pam Genereux
Lauren Jue
Louise Upham
Tom Roche, Board Liaison
Events in the Park
Blue Heron Park is a popular spot for birthday parties, weddings and family gatherings, as well as our HOA holiday events. Ours is a private park for the exclusive use by Eastbluff HOA Members and their guests.
If you wish to have an event in the park, please notify Tritz Professional Management Services at 714-557-5900 so they can accommodate your group by managing sprinklers and trash collection.
Outside vendors for porta-potties, bounce houses etc. must register with the Association to provide liability insurance and business license info.
There is no fee for Members to use the park.
Please be courteous by managing noise and cleaning up after your event. Picnic tables may be moved to any location in the park, but the ADA table beside the path must remain in place for handicap access.
Please use trash containers, remove or bag all trash and remove tape from tabletops and legs.
Metallic Balloons Can Lead to Power Outages (MORE)
Please review and observe the Park Rules for safety and courtesy toward all your Eastbluff neighbors. Have fun!
The park cannot be reserved, as it's always open for Members to use, but Member events are always welcome. If outside groups are observed using the park, please notify Tritz Professional Management Services at 714-557-5900.
The park address is 2615 Basswood Street, Newport Beach,
Please visit our Butterfly Garden in Blue Heron Park to learn about the important role pollinators play in preserving our food sources and environment. Designed and planted by Michael and Laura Ford, founders of the Pollinator Protection Fund, the garden features flowering California native plants such as buckwheat, lilac verbena, sun drops, and seaside daisies nestled amid grasses and milkweed.
Read more on the links below.
The Eastbluff HOA is welcoming more parties and gatherings in Blue Heron Park. To ensure everyone has fun, here are some reminders and useful information to keep in mind when planning those parties and gatherings.
Blue Heron Park is open to all Eastbluff residents and their guests during the park hours, sunrise to dusk (excluding HOA events.) If you plan to have an event at the park, please remember that your use is not exclusive and other neighbors can still use the park at the same time.
It is recommended you call Griselda at Tritz Property Management - 714-557-5900 - if you plan on having an event at the park, including the provision of any wash/restroom facilities, to ask her to put it in the calendar. In that way, events that could cause a conflict (due to number attending and planned location within the park) can be avoided (and we can be sure sprinklers don't go off in the middle of your event!).
There is no fee for Eastbluff HOA members to use the park.
There are park rules:
Dogs must be licensed and on leashes, owners must pick up after their pets and litter must be picked up. Municipal code requires leashes "not exceeding six feet in length and controlled by a person competent to restrain such dog."
The City of Newport Beach requires cars be legally parked.
Noise level is limited to protect the surrounding neighborhood. Newport Beach noise limit is 55 DBA. (Just a warning—this isn’t very loud, so be considerate.)
Fires, burning of any kind, fireworks, firearms, archery, smoking, and e-cigarettes are not allowed.
No motorized vehicles are allowed in the park except ADA mobility devices. Driving vehicles onto the grass damages the grass and the sprinklers.
Please bring extra trash bags to the park, and if the trash cannot all fit into the cans in the park, pack the trash bags out to your residential trash containers. Critters can really strew party leftovers around the park!
The HOA has no liability for any resident’s event at the park; the party giver has the liability for any damage.
Please do not allow anyone to climb in the young trees, on the monument sign or hang on the volleyball net or tetherball, and supervise all children for their safety.
Enjoy the Little Free Library by taking a book or adding a few favorites to share.
Please report any damage to park or playground equipment, Little Free Library, sprinklers, trees or landscaping promptly to Gricelda so repairs can be made promptly.
Blue Heron Park is an important neighborhood resource we all love and have the opportunity to use. Please take care of it and have a great time!
Blue Heron Park
Good Neighbor Guidelines
Blue Heron Park Butterfly Garden