February 28, 2023
At the January 30, 2023 Aviation Committee meeting, Mayor Blom announced the frequency of the City’s Aviation Committee meetings would be revised from monthly to quarterly. This change was made to allow City staff to focus their efforts on 1985 Settlement Agreement research and planning. It further stated an abbreviated list of Aviation Committee priorities should be established for 2023. T The recommended scope of work for 2023 included:
1. Communication & Education - Continue to work on communicating aviation-related information to the community via channels such an annual aviation community forum and a quarterly newsletter.
2. General Aviation - Continue to track the General Aviation Improvement Program and the Fly Friendly program.
3. Government Relations - Support the City’s legislative advocacy and government relations at the county and federal levels.
4. The City will continue to support related, ongoing activities such as working with the community on the following initiatives:
✓ Noise complaints
✓ Federal and county advocacy
✓ Air carrier workshops, particularly efforts to encourage commercial fleet transition
5. City Staff will begin research and planning for the 1985 Settlement Agreement amendment process. The 2014 amendment to the Settlement Agreement expires December 31, 2030 and the Airport Curfew expires December 31, 2035.
September 23, 2022
Airport noise has increased due to return to pre-pandemic travel levels and FAA required change in takeoff route and height. The change has been in effect for some time but is more noticeable with continuous take offs during peak morning and evening times.
Action you can take;
1. Record the day and time of aircraft noise incidents. Keep a log.
2. Call the JWA Noise Events 949-252-5185 and go on record.
3. Use JWA Noise Events platform to report aircraft noise.
The HOA has no authority on this issue. It is OC Board of Supervisors as owners and operators of the Airport. The City adopted policy A-17 that directs citizens to lobby for reduced noise and limit expansion.
Over time the newer jets will reduce noise by 20%. JWA noise will never go away. The FAA changed take off procedures as part of a nationwide effort to standardize take off height, speed and direction. They moved take off closer to Eastbluff in an attempt to fly down the middle of Back Bay. The flights are within settlement agreement standards.
April 27, 2022
The City of Newport Beach has a committee consisting of two City Council members, City Manager, City Attorney, City staff, appointed residents, and a representative of SPON to discuss policies and strategies to reduce commercial and private aircraft noise and pollution for Newport Beach residents impacted by takeoffs and landings at JWA.
I am assigned to serve on the committee representing District 5 which encompasses Eastbluff. I will provide regular reports to the HOA Directors and members on the meeting agendas and posted to the website.
In the March and April meetings the committee approved the attached reports which I am providing to HOA members.
The City’s Aviation Committee issues reports to the City Council and residents to discuss pending issues and progress on the goals for the current year. The focus is to work with the County, JWA staff, FAA and Airlines and private pilots to adopt procedures that reduce noise. The committee is also working to ensure the settlement agreement with curfew and passenger limitations is enforced and will be renewed.
I am assigned to work this year are development of a “Public Education Program” on the Settlement Agreement and Renewal Negotiations with the County, and Government Relations with County elected representatives, staff at JWA, FAA, and our federal representatives.
If anyone has questions about the Aviation Committee and its projects, please contact me at Ron@eastbluff.net.
Ron Rubino
September 20, 2021
JWA Aviation Committee Report
The City of Newport Beach has a committee of city council members, City Management, City staff, consultants, and appointed residents to discuss policies and strategies to protect Newport Beach residents from the impacts of commercial and private aircraft operations at and from John Wayne Airport (JWA). The City Council believes that the impacts related to JWA are now, and will continue to be, the most significant threat to the quality of life of Newport Beach residents.
The Committee assists the City Council to develop and implement strategies to control negative impacts of noise and pollution from JWA. These efforts in conjunction with the County for the last 30 years have made JWA one of the most “community friendly” airports in the nation. The City’s Aviation Committee issues reports to the City Council and residents to discuss pending issues and progress on the goals for the current year. The HOA Board of Directors monitors this committee's activities and provides a copy of the reports issued by the City on JWA issues and policies.
Ron Rubino
October 1, 2020
Update from from the Aviation Committee’s September 30, 2020, Airport Meeting attended by Councilman Jeff Herdman, Councilwoman Diane Dixon and city staff.
March 2020
The Newport Beach Aviation Committee has adopted the following initiatives for accomplishment this year:
1. Work with airlines in reaching an altitude of 4,000 feet as soon as possible after takeoff;
2. Identify the quietest, safest and most efficient departure profile possible that will be approved by the FAA;
3. Pursue the “light dispersion” of flights in order to help bring some relief to those residents currently most impacted by departure paths;
4. Develop and advocate for local, state and federal policies that incentivize air carriers to transition their fleets to the most technologically advanced aircraft;
5. Support legislation to reduce overflight noise and pollution.
June 2019
May, 2019
On May 1, after hearing more public comment, the JWA Airport Commission voted 3-1 to continue the GAIP item 30 days to allow time for JWA and the Commission to explore possible changes to Alternative 3 (the option the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa support) that would better take into account the needs of light GA.
The item will remain on the May 7 Board of Supervisors meeting agenda. The Board will need to decide if it wants to continue the item or move forward and vote without a Commission recommendation. Airport staff announced at the beginning of the Commission meeting that it was changing one of the recommendations in the Board staff report. The staff recommendation for Alternative 1 will be removed.
APRIL 2019
On April 17, the Orange County Airport Commission held a public at John Wayne Airport which was heavily attended. The intent of the meeting was to present the proposed General Aviation Improvement Project (GAIP ) and discuss which of the three alternatives to upgrade John Wayne Airport would be selected for recommendation to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting May 7. After roughly a two hour meeting, before an overflow audience and many community speakers, members of the OC Airport Commission agreed they needed additional time to review and consider how it should advise the Board of Supervisors on the proposed GAIP.
The Commission also noted the rescheduling of the Board of Supervisors meeting when making its decision. Prior to rescheduling the meeting, Commissioner Lee Lowrey, Vice Chair, voiced his support of Alternative #3 to the GAIP, which is the option most favorable for Newport Beach and the corridor cities.
Alternatives No. 1 and No. 2 would build new buildings for large general aviation jets and remove small single engine airplanes from the airport. These general aviation jets are not required to follow the agreed-upon curfew operating hours. This means that these jets can land and take off 24/7. Alternative No. 3 would bring the airport up to current FAA standards and not much else.
Eastbluff homeowners can write letters to The Orange County Board of Supervisors stating that they want Alternative No. 3.
It should be noted that the meeting started with Commission members supporting Alternative No. 1. Also many of the Board of Supervisors are recommending item No. 1.
The Board of Supervisors meeting is scheduled for May 7, so it is very important to write letters now. They are listed below.
If you have questions please contact Tom Meng, Tm.pm@sbcglobal.net or (949) 500-4445
Daily Pilot
County Board of Supervisors to vote on General Aviation Improvements
Proposed enhancements to general aviation services at JWA would include a new terminal — the airport currently has terminals only for commercial service — and dedicated, fee-based customs screening for non-commercial international flights. Plans also include infrastructure updates such as buildings and airfield roads to comply with current Federal Aviation Administration standards. The proposed changes would stay within the airport’s existing footprint.
Airport officials anticipate a few more departures per day under their preferred option. The county, which owns and operates JWA, says the updates would provide facilities to serve an increase in the number of private jets at the airport.
Newport Beach has called the county’s response to the city’s comments on the environmental report inadequate and took issue with the assumption that cumulative noise and air quality effects would be mitigated by the Boeing 737 MAX joining the mix. The FAA last month grounded the airliner indefinitely after catastrophic crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia.
Orange County’s Airport Commission and Board of Supervisors have delayed votes until May on proposed changes to general aviation offerings at John Wayne Airport after Newport Beach objected to what it considers the last-minute release of a key section of the project’s environmental review.
A public meeting and hearing will be held the May 1, 5:00 pm Airport Commission Meeting at 3160 Airway Ave, Costa Mesa.The OC Board of Supervisors will hold a hearing on May 7, at 9:30 AM, at the County Hall of Administration, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana.
Elected Officials & Airport Management
Orange County Board of Supervisors
John Wayne Airport
City Councils & Mayors
Costa Mesa
Newport Beach
Update- All things Aviation:
If you’d like additional information, please contact Newport Beach City Manager
Dave Kiff at dkiff@newportbeachca.gov.
City Newsletter and the Continuing Effort to Keep Residents Informed
Recently the City distributed to all of residents of the City a comprehensive Newsletter to inform the residents about the history of the airport issue; the role of City; the County and FAA as well as what the City is doing in trying to address the issues related to the impacts of the airport on the community. You should have received the Newsletter in the mail but if you failed for some reason to have received the Newsletter, you may access it on the City’s website.
August 1, 2018
John Wayne Airport Newsletter: Please click this link for a very good update and recap of the action taken by City to reduce noise and pollution at JWA.
June, 2018
Please click links below to see Tom Edwards’ monthly update for May (and a little of June 2018) and the completion of HMMH’s Part 1, Phase II Scope of Work:
May, 2018
March, 2018
The Newport Beach City Manager has announced settlement of the City Lawsuit Against FAA over the environmental document (Environmental Assessment or “EA”) associated with NextGen’s implementation at JWA
The settlement agreement with the FAA will affect Departure Paths as follows:
1. Prohibits the use of the EA to modify existing or to design future flight paths.
2. Emphasizes the importance of closely following the traditional historic flight paths along the Upper Bay.
3. Ensures that the Metroplex will not preempt or jeopardize the continued successful operation of the 1985 JWA Settlement Agreement and its many protections.
4. Implements and tests a new “Required Navigational Performance (RNP)” departure procedure for the Upper Bay consisting of two turns, not just one. (The STAYY Plan)
5. Departures will attempt to remain within the natural contours of the Upper Bay and curve as the bay curves, avoiding as many residential areas as possible.
January 10, 2018
At last night's City Council meeting, it was announced that the City of Newport Beach (City) reached a tentative agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to further restrict departure paths at John Wayne Airport (JWA).
The FAA agreed that the NextGen flight paths will stay between the existing noise monitors and will design and study one of the nation's first precision-based curved departure procedures for JWA. This procedure, planned for implementation in the coming weeks, would in theory allow planes to follow the curves of the Upper Newport Bay, therefore avoiding as many residential areas as possible.
The FAA further agreed to ensure all future changes to flight paths will be fully analyzed anew under the National Environmental Policy Act. Finally, additional protections were secured against excessive "early offshore turns" that, if allowed, would bring certain departures closer to Corona del Mar and Newport Coast.
The City Council, City Manager and City Attorney believe the settlement agreement resulted in an outcome that is better than expected.
You can read the City's press release online at http://www.newportbeachca.gov/Home/Components/News/News/32921/2720.
October, 2017
In March 2017, the FAA implemented a new program, “SoCal Metroplex” that changed the John Wayne Airport (JWA) departure path to allow planes to begin left-hand turns shortly after leaving the runway, putting them squarely over the east side of the Upper Newport Bay. This substantially increased takeoff noise over Eastbluff’s homes, schools, and facilities.
In its environmental assessment of SoCal Metroplex, the FAA stated that the changes would cause “no significant impacts” to surrounding areas. The FAA justifies this change by saying this saves the airlines money on fuel. The City of Newport Beach has filed a legal challenge to the FAA's finding, and is negotiating with the FAA to develop a departure path that would keep planes over the water, not our homes.
The Board of Directors has sent a letter to the City indicating our displeasure with these changes which directed the airlines to turn left (east) sooner. The takeoff noise has increased to a debilitating level and resulted in more jet fuel pollution over Eastbluff and a negative impact to our residents’ health, safety and peace of mind. We believe the fair and safest approach for all of Newport Beach is for the airlines to take off straight out for a longer distance over the middle of the Back Bay as they did prior to March, 2017.
Members are encouraged to write to the City with support of the City's legal action to show the change has had a substantial negative impact on our homes and to support changing the takeoff path back to middle of the Back Bay.
City of Newport Beach
David Kiff, City Manager
One Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660
July, 2017
- Rick Francis Selected as New Assistant Airport Director
- John Wayne Airport Releases Their Annual Report
- Proposal to Privatize the Air Traffic Control System
- First Quarter Noise Report- JWA
May, 2017
If you’d like additional information, please contact Newport Beach City Manager Dave Kiff at dkiff@newportbeachca.gov .
City and County Continue to Monitor Metroplex
The City and County continue to monitor Metroplex. Accordingly an arbitrary flight, United Airlines Flight 1989 was chosen for pre and post implementation of Metroplex. The following information is for two separate days, February 19, 2017, pre-Metroplex and then March 4, 2017, postMetroplex.
You will see the individual track of the flight pre and post Metroplex; the noise readings at each noise monitor and the altitude of the plane closest to approach at each noise monitor. The depictions have been set forth in larger than normal slides, so that you can get a decent view of the same.
This summer the VOLANS flight tracking system at the airport, which you can
access at anytime, will be updated. The updates will include a mobile application for your
phone so you can track flights at the airport.
JWA- April 2017
Airline passenger traffic at John Wayne Airport decreased in April 2017 as
compared with April 2016. In April 2017, the Airport served 851,169 passengers, a
decrease of 1.2% when compared with the April 2016 passenger traffic count of
861,164. Commercial aircraft operations decreased 1.8% and commuter aircraft
operations decreased 55.0% when compared with April 2016 levels.
In April 2017 the Average Daily Departures (ADDs) were 121.37 vs. 124.65
for April of 2016.
January 13, 2017
FAA Conducting Community Outreach Workshops
Community members are invited to participate in the Federal Aviation Administration's outreach workshops about the new flight paths (known as NextGen) for John Wayne Airport. There are two options for you to either log in for a webinar on Thursday, January 19 from 6 p.m. to 7:15 pm. or attend a public workshop on Wednesday, February 1 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the OASIS Senior Center. Additional information is posted on the City's website HERE
October 25, 2016
City of Newport Beach Files Suit against FAA
On Tuesday, October 25, the Newport Beach City Council authorized the filing of a lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) associated with the FAA’s NextGen efforts for the Southern California MetroPlex area, including John Wayne Airport (JWA). The complaint, filed on behalf of the City of Newport Beach in federal court on October 27, lists the City’s concerns with the FAA’s finding of no significant environmental impact related to the FAA’s implementation of three key departure procedures from JWA.
The City is seeking more information about the potential impacts of the changes and would like a better understanding of how the FAA's Environmental Assessment could be used to design departures in the future. More details and a link to a copy of the City's filing can be found HERE
July 25, 2016, 4 pm
Aviation Committee meeting Civic Center Community Room
If you're tired of being hammered with noise and exhaust from planes departing JWA, consider attending this Newport Beach Aviation Committee meeting. Discussion should include the new flight path the city is proposing to the FAA.
Don't forget to report all flights that bother you to the JWA Access and Noise office, at 949-252-5185 and/or NoiseInfo@ocair.com. By not complaining, we are saying we're OK with new altitudes (hundreds of feet lower) and noise levels. Strong reaction from the community now could be important later on.
Update by Tom Meng
December 4, 2015
If you are tired of the dirt and noise from John Wayne Airport, disturbed by the sound of planes veering off course and flying over our neighborhoods and are dubious that the noise abatement rules are being properly enforced, here's an action you can take.
Report these instances whenever they happen. Note the date and time and call the John Wayne Airport Noise office at 949-252-5185 and follow up with an e-mail to NoiseInfo@ocair.com. You can also call the FAA Flight Standards District Office at 562-420-1755 (press "0" for the Operations Officer on Duty). There IS something we can do.
JWA's new flight tracking system "VOLANS", enables members of the community to log on to and track the flight data from the convenience of their home.
Report on City of Newport Beach
Council/citizen Aviation Committee Meeting
The Council/Citizens Aviation Committee met on December 14, 2015. The important issues affecting Eastbluff are listed below:
The Council/Citizen Aviation Committee is recommending that the City Council approve a two turn departure plan called (HAYLO,FINNZ – GE/Naverus. This plan will bring the departing airlines further to the east (closer to Eastbluff) as you can see on the yellow line shown on the attached map.
The Newport Beach Aviation Committee has recommended that the Newport Beach City Council adopt the above plan as follows:
Advocate for a different departure pattern for northerly departures (50% of all departures). This pattern would have two turns in the Upper Newport Bay, more closely aligning with the contours of the Upper Bay and crossing the Newport Dunes at a slightly different angle and therefore cross Balboa Island near Agate versus Ruby. No further turns than these two over land. Staff noted that the FAA is “intrigued” with this RNP-style of departure (“required navigational performance”) for JWA but that most experts think that such a departure is 5-10 years away given plane technologies. (No impacts to neighboring cities).
Consider a two-phase study regarding departure altitudes. The 2007-2008 ARTS study recommended doing this sometime in the future. Phase I would examine altitudes today and compare them with altitudes 5 and 10 years ago. If planes are significantly lower because of planes that are overall quieter, and can therefore pass the Noise Monitoring Stations without triggering the top values, then a Phase II might occur. Phase II would study how a new (but voluntary) departure path that took many departures up “higher sooner” would impact noise and emissions across the community. Staff was directed to see if neighboring cities downstream would be interested in assisting with this study (not Phase I but Phase II if Phase II is needed). Staff noted that this departure pattern, if feasible, may have significant odds against FAA approval.
Support the US EPA’s recent rulemaking to more thoroughly regulate emissions from commercial aircraft.
As stated above if approved by City of Newport Council and the Airport/FAA departing planes will come closer to Eastbluff.
There was a very large group of people from the west side of the bay demanding that departing airlines not fly over their area. Tom Meng was the only person attending from the east side of the bay.
Please note the attached chart. The yellow line is the recommended two turn departure.
August 12, 2015
This letter was sent to the FAA from the Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association on August 12, 2015
Report on City of Newport Beach Council/citizen Aviation Committee Meeting
August 6, 2015
Important issues on the agenda were:
(a) Noise Monitoring
(b) NextGen – (The FAA’s plan for the flight path out of John Wayne Airport)
The noise Monitoring system has been up dated with new equipment. The new system was adjusted to provide the same and equal results to the old equipment. (Unimportant)
The big issue was item “B” on the NextGen that determines where the planes will fly. The current procedure is to fly out over the Back Bay but we all know that this is not happening. The NextGen that is proposed by the FAA is supposed to bring the planes back to flying out over the Back Bay. There was much discussion by members suggesting that the planes be fanned out over the entire city instead thus affecting the residents in the flight path. This will greatly affect Eastbluff residents with the additional noise and pollution with planes flying overhead. Health issues were raised regarding the emissions and soot that come from the planes flying overhead.
I have attached the agenda and the hand out from today’s meeting for your review and action.
The City is encouraging Associations to respond by September 8, 2015 either by
email to: 9-ANM-SoCalOAPM@faa.gov
or via snail mail to:
SoCal Metroplex EA
Federal Aviation Administration
Western Service Center – Operations Support Group
1601 Lind Avenue SW
Renton, WAS 98057
I believe it is very important for Eastbluff Association to respond because there is a strong, well organized contingent on the west side of the Back Bay advocating to move the planes away from them and Balboa Island. This would result in all or most of the planes going over the homes in Eastbluff.
The City Manager and Kevin Muldoon have promised to look into the above issues. To ensure that they take action it is important for Eastbluff to respond to this proposal.
Tom Meng, C.P.M., FMP
(949) 500-4445