Professionally Managed by
Tritz Professional Management Services
1525 E 17th Street, Suite A
Santa Ana, CA 92705
HOA Landscape Maintenance
Nature Care is our landscape maintenance company
The objectives of Nature Care along with the Landscape Committee are:
Water Conservation while keeping the landscape as green as possible
Beautify the Entrances and Slopes
Enhance the Park landscaping
Consistent General Maintenance of our Community common areas
The Nature Care maintenance team will be in our community Monday, Tuesday & Fridays, mowing the lawn, emptying trash and cleaning tables and benches on Mondays.
Report a Common Area
Landscape Concern
To report a broken water line or sprinkler IMMEDIATELY call
For other areas of landscape concern
Landscape Committee
Morgan Bomboy - Tritz Professional Management Services (TPMS), Chair
Barbara Quist
Allica Bensen, Secretary
Maura Quist
Dan Seminario
Cindy Omiya
Sydni Webb, Board Liaison
If you are interested in being part of the Landscaping Beautification Committee – please contact us