Professionally Managed by
Tritz Professional Management Services
1525 E 17th Street, Suite A
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Welcome to your Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association website!

Explore this website to find information about our Eastbluff community, a calendar of events, links to local places of interest, special neighborhood activities and events, Association information (such as Board members and Committees), and how you can become involved! 

For Association business, click the "Member Portal" link where you can find Association documents of CC&R’s, policies, procedures, Board resolutions, Board Meeting Minutes, pay your dues online, register for an e-statement, submit and track a service request and much, much more! 

Managed by Tritz Professional Management Services, our property manager, the Members Only site is the repository of our official Association documents and records.

Please Contact Us with your ideas and suggestions.

Join The Community Email List
Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association  ~c/o Tritz Professional Management Services ~ 1525 E. 17th Street, Suite A ~ Santa Ana, CA 92705


Contact Us

Board of Directors

Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, March 3 
This is an in-person meeting
Oasis Senior Center
801 Narcissus Ave, 
Corona del Mar​

Executive Session
None scheduled
Board Members Only

Architectural Session
5:00 p.m.

General Meeting
6:00 p.m.

​Meeting AGENDA

February Meeting Highlights

Full Meeting Minutes are posted in the Member Portal
Password required

​​Neighborhood Watch 

NBPD Mobile Café ~ Community members come together with police in an informal space to discuss community issues 
and build relationships. 

NBPD divides the city into four separate areas. Each area has an assigned lieutenant, who acts as an area commander. Eastbluff is in Area 3, along with Bonita Canyon, Big Canyon, Newport Center, Harbor Cove, Bayside Village, Island Lagoon, Park Newport, Promontory Point, and Balboa Island. It is home to the Fashion Island shopping center and the surrounding businesses and hotels in Newport Center.

 Meet our NBPD Area 3 Commander
Lt. Jason Blakely

Property crime update January 2025


Newport Notified is the Newport Beach Police Department's alert system for disseminating general and emergency information directly from the Police Department to the community. To receive email and text alerts directly from NBPD, please sign up HERE. For more information visit NBPD NOTIFIED or call the Crime Prevention Unit at 949-644-3699. 

Call NBPD immediately when you see something suspicious or when you need the police to respond to a current situation.


After 22 years of unwavering dedication 
and exemplary service with the NBPD, 
Acting Chief Dave Miner has been named 
the new Chief of Police for the Newport 
Beach Police Department!



With recent residential burglary activity in certain parts of the city, many questions have been coming up about alarm systems. I thought this would be a good time to remind everyone about a few things related to alarms in Newport Beach:

A permit is required to operate a commercial or residential alarm system in the City of Newport Beach. Residential permits must be renewed every three years, and commercial permits must be renewed annually.

There are fines for excessive false alarms requiring Police Response.

The Newport Beach Police Department provides direct monitoring of residential and commercial alarm systems in the City of Newport Beach. This service is a limited alternative to private sector central station alarm monitoring.

Alarms are monitored by NBPD’s 24-hour Dispatch Center.
NBPD provides monitoring only, so an alarm owner is responsible for providing installation, programming, and maintenance of their system. A private alarm company typically handles these responsibilities.

For more details on alarm permits, false alarm fines, and/or alarm monitoring, see our website HERE:  or contact the Alarm Office at 949-644-3723.


In light of the recent fires in LA county & the devastation we saw, it’s important to review your disaster preparedness plan. 


Top three things to do to help prevent a home burglary

Community News
​Subscribe online to
Stu News Newport 
to see what else is going on in our wonderful City!

HOA Election Timeline
The Poop Fairy has put in for a long overdue vacation, which means your pet's poop will not magically disappear if you leave it behind. Please be courteous and clean up after your pet in the park and throughout the neighborhood. Plastic bag dispensers and waste containers in the park are available for your use.

Also please observe the LEASH LAW that requires all dogs in any public place to be "securely restrained by a substantial leash or chain not exceeding six feet in length and controlled by a person competent to restrain such dog." This includes all streets and sidewalks in Eastbluff and in Blue Heron Park.

The City Dog Park at 1521 Avocado Ave offers ample space for dog exercise and socialization.

For further information, call 
Newport Beach Animal Control at 949-644-3717

Poop Fairy News


THANK YOU to all Homeowners who completed the Eastbluff Homeowners Survey and submitted comments! A total of 283 surveys were submitted online and in person, representing over half of all 460 Eastbluff homes. Surveys were hand delivered to those without email access so everyone had the opportunity to participate.  Survey results were emailed to homeowners on February 24. This topic will be on the agenda for further discussion at the March 3 General Session Board Meeting. 

Click to read: Homeowners Survey


Meeting & Webinar

Since the January wildfires, the Newport Beach Fire Department has been presenting programs to the community on wildfire safety. These programs contain the latest information that the department has. Join us for an insightful session and see the latest photos and videos from the Palisades fire.

Speak Up Newport Meeting
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 
Reception 5:15 - Program 6:00 to 7:00 pm

Civic Center Community Room 
100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach
Registration is not required for the live event
Guests are always welcome!
No charge to attend.

The meeting will be simulcast on zoom. Click here to see the meeting website & register for the zoom webinar only.

Eastbluff primarily uses email to keep in touch with homeowners. Don't miss the news!

You will only be contacted regarding Association business and events and your information will not be provided to any third party. 

The 2025 Election timeline is as follows:

February 7, 2025
Candidate Nomination Procedures & Deadlines published.

March 19, 2025
 Pre-Ballot Notification Mailed.

April 7, 2025
Board Meeting candidates for the election will be invited to speak at the start of the meeting.

April 18, 2025
Procedures & Instructions for completing. election ballots printed and mailed to members.

April 19 to May 12, 2025
Deadline for members to mail in completed ballots. After this date, completed ballots must be hand delivered from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the annual meeting on 5/19/2025.

Annual Meeting and Election
Monday 5/19/2025 at 6:00 p.m. 
Oasis Senior Center 
801 Narcissus Avenue
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
No voter submittal will be accepted after 6:05 p.m. 

Be a Good Neighbor