September 2022
Board President Ron Rubino met with Jacob Haley, Principal at Corona del Mar High School, to review the Sports Field agreement and new school hours for the 2022-23 school year. Dr. Haley is very supportive of the good neighbor policy. Topics discussed were:
~CDM sports fields with lights that will start up again.
~Residential Parking Preference program in effect during the new school year for the streets closest to the school in the A section.
~Lights: The lights on the artificial turf fields are programmed from a central location and will not be turned on outside of approved hours from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM Mondays through Thursday, and until 9:00 PM on Fridays for a game. Lights
not permitted on Saturdays and Sundays
~Sound: Amplified sound not approved for outside groups. Occasional handheld or portable systems may be used to manage events within approved decibel levels.
~Crowd security and noise supervision will be monitored
and enforced by school staff
~Attendance: limited to the stated capacity for the venue which is 664 participants for the football bleachers on the main Track/Field and 200 at the smaller interior field. Additional seating will not be permitted.
- CDMHS 60th Anniversary celebration October 22, 2022 11 am to 4 pm
- 2022-2023 School Bell Schedule
- 2022-23 CdMHS school hours
July 2022
NMUSD and Corona del Mar High School announced Jacob Haley Ed.D. is the new school Principal at Corona del Mar High School.
Dr. Haley met with Ron Rubino to continue the ongoing discussion of operating policy for the CDMHS Sports Field and maintain the agreed upon EIR mitigation measures to limit impact of parking, lights and noise on Eastbluff residents. The meeting was very productive and supports the good neighbor policy.
A proposed change in NMUSD Policy 1330 Facilities Use was also discussed. The attached report describes the changes. One of the changes adds a definition for "Sports Feeder Programs" which are permitted to use the Sports Field. Their use is within the agreed-upon days and hours, must maintain the same use standards for parking and noise, and will not use field lights.
June 25, 2019
The School District has agreed to provide periodic updates as construction progresses, and to provide a way for residents to report any problems. Use the General Line (714) 424-8934 to report construction issues or discrepancies with the approved plan. For the full update report, click HERE.
January 23, 2018
Board Negotiates Settlement on CDM Sports Field EIR
On October 24, 2017, the Newport Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD) Board selected CdM Sports Field Option B, two fields with lights, and approved the final EIR.
Since that decision the Eastbluff HOA Board of Directors has negotiated with NMUSD to secure assurances that operating limitations and mitigation measures in the EIR documents would be implemented.
We are pleased to announce settlement of our issues. On January 16, the Board of Education approved changes to Board Policy1330(a), which implements the EIR requirements for operation limitations, mitigation measures and procedures for ongoing communications. The two fields and track with operating limitations are significantly better for Eastbluff residents than the first and second versions of the proposed project plan.
At this same meeting, Superintendent Navarro reported that the School District and City of Newport Beach are in discussions to design and jointly fund replacement of the CdM pool stadium lights. This request was made by the HOA Board during the negotiations to correct light glare problems for the A and B street residents. This improvement is subject to design and budget approval by School Board and City Council.
The CdM Sports Field EIR settlement will be discussed in more detail at our February 5 HOA meeting at Oasis Senior Center starting at 7 p.m.
Documents providing more details are available via these links:
January 8, 2018
School Board Approves EIR
The School Board approved the Final CdMHS Sports Field EIR October 24. Option B includes 2 synthetic turf athletic fields with four 70-80' light poles on each field and a synthetic track surface. The project will be limited to 664 seats in the primary field/track and 200 seats on the secondary field.
To obtain nearby residents’ acceptance of this plan the District included a number of project scope reductions, operations limitations and mitigation measures. The conditions included deletion of concession stand, press box and PA system. Operating limitations include no varsity football games, light directed downward with glare guards, lights out Monday to Thursday by 8 pm and Friday and Saturday games until 9 pm. Also, noise level limitations and a plan to modify fencing around the perimeter of the fields and gate access to encourage on-campus parking were included.
Our Board supported improvements to the sports fields, but opposed the lights to due negative impact on views, light glare, noise and parking problems evening events can generate. The Board was disappointed that these conditions were not included in the Final EIR’s Mitigation Monitoring Report to document compromises and provide enforceable compliance protection. The District was notified that the HOA would file for legal remedy to gain assurance of compliance and a long-term guarantee that these conditions would not be changed in the future.
The HOA requested and was granted a time extension by the District to appeal the EIR, so discussion could take place to find a solution. Our HOA legal team and Board President Ron Rubino have discussed with the District’s legal counsel options for a supplemental agreement. Meetings have been conducted with Superintendent Dr. Navarro to develop terms and format of an agreement that would be acceptable to the NMUSD Trustees and Eastbluff HOA. It is hoped that this agreement can be accomplished to avoid initiating legal proceeding to ensure that conditions in the EIR will be adhered to.
October 3, 2017
The August 2017 Recirculated Draft EIR was distributed on August 11 by the Newport Mesa Unified School District. The review period is 45 days and public comments were due by 5:00 pm on September 25, 2017.
The HOA Board has delivered this letter to the School Board expressing our concerns about impacts of the lights, PA system, traffic and noise on our homes.
The School Board is considering approval of Option B that includes TWO fields with FOUR 70-80' light poles on each field. The School District will conduct a public hearing on the draft EIR on Tuesday October 24, 2017 at the School District offices.
Eastbluff residents are URGED to attend and/or write a letter in response to the proposed project! These options will seriously impact our homes with light glare, loud PA announcements, increased traffic and parking.
For EIR & Project Information click HERE.
For Sports Field Project Fact Sheet click HERE
For more information, please contact HOA Board Members
Don Slaughter ( or
Ryan O'Grady (Ryan@Eastbluff .net)
September 13, 2017
The August 2017 Recirculated Draft EIR was distributed on August 11 by the Newport Mesa Unified School District. The review period is 45 days and public comments are due by 5:00 pm on September 25, 2017.
The HOA Board and their legal and EIR consultants will review the revised EIR document and prepare a letter to the School Board expressing our concerns about impacts of the lights, PA system, traffic and noise on our homes. The School Board is considering approval of Option B that includes TWO fields with FOUR 70-80' light poles on each field. Please SUPPORT ALTERNATIVE #3: NEW TRACK with 2 ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELDS, NO LIGHTS.
Eastbluff residents are URGED to attend these meetings and/or write a letter in response to the proposed project! These options will seriously impact our homes with light glare, loud PA announcements, increased traffic and parking.
The School District will conduct a public hearing on the draft EIR on Tuesday October 24, 2017 at the School District offices.
For EIR & Project Information click HERE.
For Sports Field Project Fact Sheet click HERE
For more information, please contact HOA Board Members Don Slaughter ( or
Ryan O'Grady (Ryan@Eastbluff .net)
June 1, 2017
The NMUSD will discuss the status of the Corona del Mar High School Sports Field Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) at their Tuesday May 9, 6 pm meeting at the District’s offices. Click below for their recently released project summary report with responses to frequently asked questions.
The Board will monitor the meeting and let members know when public meetings are scheduled for the Final EIR report.
If you have any questions, please email HOA Board members Don Slaughter or Ron Rubino
March 22, 2017
CdM Sports Field Update
The Board of Directors delivered a letter to the Newport Mesa Unified School District on 3/22/17 with comments on the Draft EIR for the proposed CdM Sports Field project. The HOA Board’s primary objection is to the four 80 ft lights on the primary track/field closest to Eastbluff homes. Additionally, traffic, parking and noise created by this project are still concerns requiring mitigation measures. The HOA position is that we continue to oppose the original stadium project and support the option for two fields using artificial track/field materials and no lights, an alternative included in the draft EIR.
The Board received excellent service from our consultants Aaron Ehrlich, EIR Legal Advisor, and Collette Morse, EIR Urban Planning Advisor, and electrical engineer Jason Melcor, who reviewed findings on lights published by the district. Jason found the statements and diagrams produced by the District to be reasonable and accurate and could not offer an alternative that would reduce the projected glare and overflow.
Directors Don Slaughter and Ron Rubino, the CdMHS Sports Field Advisory Committee, will report at the April 3 meeting on final strategy and position taken by the HOA on this issue. The Board thanks all members who submitted individual letters expressing their position and commenting on the draft EIR.
February 7, 2017
NMUSD has issued the Draft Environmental Impace Report (EIR) for the CdMHS Sports Fields project. The Eastbluff HOA’s Advisory Committee Don Slaughter & Ron Rubino started their review of the document. The EIR and exhibits are very complex and over 2,000 pages and can be downloaded HERE .
The BOD’s review process includes discussion and input from members on key issues and strategies for the HOA’s comment letter. The Committee has scheduled a briefing for members at our regular April BOD meeting at 6:00 p.m. on the beginning of the agenda.
Members are encouraged to read the Draft EIR & make their views known by emailing to and
The Committee will issue a template letter for members who wish to send their individual comments to the School District.
All comment letters must be delivered to NMUSD by March 22 at 5:00 p.m.
Send comments to
Ara Zareczny, Director Facilities Development
2985 Bear Street, Building A
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Or email to
The District will conduct a public hearing at NMUSD headquarters April 25 at 6:00 p.m.
February 2, 2017
CdM Sports Field Update
The Newport Mesa Unified School District has released a Draft EIR for the proposed Corona del Mar Middle and High School Sports Field Project. The Board appointed CdMHS Sports Field Committee of Directors Don Slaughter and Ron Rubino to review the report with Association’s EIR consultant and EIR attorney and report back to the members and Board of Directors on how this Draft EIR addresses the concerns of Eastbluff HOA members.
The following announcement was distributed by the School Distract.
Public Notice: Pursuant to the State of California Public Resources Code Section 21165 and the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act as amended to date, notice is hereby given that the Newport-Mesa Unified School District (District or N-MUSD), as Lead Agency, is circulating for public review a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Corona del Mar Middle and High School (CdM MS/HS) Sports Field Project.
Project Title: Corona del Mar Middle and High School Sports Field Project
Project Location: Corona del Mar Middle and High School is located at 2101 Eastbluff Drive (Assessor's Parcel Map Number 440-092-06), City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California.
Project Description: The District is proposing to provide various sports field improvements near the northeast comer of the existing CdM MS/HS campus. The improvements include replacing and reconfiguring the existing sports field with new synthetic-turf sports field, constructing 1,000-seat capacity bleacher, a press-box, public address system, a restroom/ticket/concession/storage building, and a lighting system.
Public Review: The DEIR is available for a 45-day review period beginning February 6, 2017, and ending March 22, 2017. Copies of the DEIR are available for review online (PDF file can be downloaded) at, and hard copies are available at the following locations:
Newport-Mesa Unified School District Education Center
2985 Bear Street, Building A
Costa Mesa, California 92626
Corona del Mar MS/HS Administrative Office
2101 Eastbluff Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Responses: Written comments on the proposed project must be received no later than 5 PM on March 22, 2017. Send comments to the attention of Ara Zareczny, LEED/AP, Director, Facilities Development, Planning and Design, at N-MUSD, 2985 Bear Street, Building A, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Comments may also be submitted via email to; include the name of the project in the subject heading.
Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held at the District Education Center, 2985 Bear Street, Building A Roderick H. MacMillian Board Room, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, on April 25, 2017, at 6 PM.
For more information, please contact Ara Zareczny, LEED/AP, Director, Facilities Development, Planning and Design, at (714) 424-7522
September 13, 2016
The Newport Beach City Council gave final approval of the ordinance to expand the “A Street” Residential Preferential Parking Zone in Eastbluff. The current restriction does not include after school, evening, holidays or weekends, but that could be pursued if needed in the future. Attached is a link to the staff report, map and ordinance.
This is a significant step to restrict school day parking on our community’s streets closest to the school. We have also established a good working relationship with City Council members and they are sympathetic to our position opposing student parking on residential streets and increased traffic, congestion and parking problems in Eastbluff residential areas.
Questions to Don Slaughter (
or Ron Rubino ( Update October 16, 2016
CdMHS Sports Field – 2 Field Alternative Plan Update
At our October 10 community meeting, the CdMHS Sports Field Committee, assisted by Newport Citizens For Responsible Growth (NCRG) member Ryan O’Grady, presented a report on the proposed “Corona Del Mar High School Sports Field Project: 2 Field Alternative Plan.” The Committee also announced that the School District Board of Trustees had reviewed this alternate plan and had directed its staff to evaluate it and to include it as an option in the upcoming Environmental Impact Report.
The Eastbluff HOA Board concluded the 2 Field Alternate Plan is a win/win for both the School and the neighborhood. The School will be able to renovate the existing field and track and add a second all-weather practice field. These two fields will provide the students with the year-round practice and event facilities they need. The alternative plan is also better for the neighbors as it eliminates the previously proposed “stadium” elements and eliminates the potential of a long and expensive EIR dispute over the multiple significant negative environmental impacts of a stadium at that location. The Eastbluff HOA Board wrote to the School Trustees in support of this plan:
Eastbluff HOA members are urged to send a letter or email in support of the 2 Field Alternative Plan to each of the members of the NMUSD Board of Trustees as soon as possible. The School District’s address and the email addresses of the members of the Board of Trustees are:
Newport-Mesa Unified School District
2985 Bear St.
Costa Mesa CA 92626
Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board of Trustees
Dana Black, President,
Karen Yelsey, Vice President,
Vicki Snell,
Walt Davenport,
Martha Fluor,
Judy A. Franco,
Charlene Metoyer,
The Board asks members to be sure to thank the Trustees for their consideration of the 2 Field Alternative Plan and urge its adoption. Please send a copy of your letter or email to HOA manager Scott Smith at
If you have any questions, please contact Board Members Don Slaughter ( or Ron Rubino (
Update August 10, 2016
Don Slaughter Scott Hart and Ron Rubino have visited City Council members Muldoon, Peotter, Petros and Dixon to discuss Eastbluff members' concerns about existing and future parking problems caused by the lack of adequate parking at CdM High school. They found the council members to be supportive of the "A" streets' parking zone expansion and against the NMUSD’s proposed sports field stadium and lights at CdMHS. These individual meetings helped to form an alliance with the City on the stadium issue and strategies how we can work together in the future as we both proceed to review the upcoming draft EIR. The problems created by the high school’s current and future traffic, parking and safety issues resonated with the City Council members.
Thank you to everyone who worked and supported this improvement for Eastbluff residents.
Update July 7, 2016
Our HOA Board of Directors also submitted a letter to the Newport Mesa Unified School District prior to May 23 deadline that detailed our environmental impact concerns about the proposed improvements at CdMHS Sports Fields. Our concerns were based upon the Eastbluff community survey, our recent community workshop, and member comments at our monthly meetings. The letter expressed support for the improvements to the field and track but opposed the lighted stadium elements that will bring increased noise, light glare, view impairment, traffic and parking into our neighborhood. We have not seen a response to the comments on the re-circulated initial study from the School District.
The Board of Directors appointed a CdMHS Sports Field Subcommittee of Board members Don Slaughter and Ron Rubino to take the lead to meet with elected officials regarding our Association’s concerns. Meetings will be scheduled for July and August.
Don Slaughter has initiated outreach to NCRG and other Eastbluff area homeowner associations. The Eastbluff Board supports coordinating efforts with these other groups.
The Board has retained the services of three advisors to assist in ongoing discussions with the City and School District and future responses to the Initial Study and EIR Report. The consultants are:
Aaron Ehrlich, Attorney Berding-Weil
Scott Hart, Government Communications Consultant
Collette Morse, Morse Planning Group EIR Consultant.
Members are encouraged to continue to attend the School Board meetings to express their views about the potential impact of the proposed changes. Names, dates, email addresses and phone numbers for public officials are posted to the HOA’s web site.
Update May 28, 2016
Newport-Mesa Unified School District is pushing forward with its plan to build a lighted football stadium at CdM High School.
To see what the lighted stadium will look like, drive over to Costa Mesa High School at 2650 Fairview Rd, Costa Mesa, where a 1,000 seat lighted stadium is under construction. The lights, speakers, and stands are already in place. That stadium is virtually identical to what is planned at CdM High School for just 5-6 football games a year. We understand the lights at CdM High School may be even taller than those at Costa Mesa High.
As part of the approval process, the School District recently requested public comments on environmental impacts of the stadium. Many of our homeowners commented. Thank you for that.
Our HOA Board of Directors also submitted a letter that detailed our environmental impact concerns based upon the Eastbluff community survey, our recent community workshop, and member comments at our monthly meetings. The letter expressed support for the improvements to the field and track but opposed the lighted stadium elements that will bring increased noise, light glare, view impairment, traffic and parking into our neighborhood.
As news about the stadium becomes available, we will post it on our website and give a status report at our monthly HOA members’ meeting.
If you wish to comment further, download this link to the email addresses of the members of the Newport Beach City Council and the Newport-Mesa Board of Trustees who will be voting on the project.
Please don't hesitate to contact the Eastbluff Board Committee working on this project, with your questions or comments.
Eastbluff HOA Community Workshop
held on April 27
Workshop Minutes & Survey Results
posted on Members Only
After signing in, go to Docs & Forms/Minutes/2016 to Workshop Exhibits Minutes 4 27 2016
The HOA Board is preparing a letter to the School Board to address homeowners' concerns about the negative impacts of the proposed project to include in the EIR.
Homeowners are encouraged to write individual letters or emails expressing your concerns to the City or Newport Beach and the School Board. Please send a copy of your correspondence to Board Member Ron Rubino at to include in the Board package.
Deadline for comments on the Recirculated Initial Study is May 23, 2016.
School Board members
Email addresses for CdMHS Principal & School Board,,,,,,,
Upcoming School Board Meetings
May 10, 2016
May 24, 2016
June 14, 2016
June 28, 2016
July 12, 2016
August 23, 2016
September 13, 2016
September 27, 2016
October 11, 2016
October 25, 2016
November 8, 2016
December 13, 2016
Sports Facility Project Update
The School District’s “Recirculated Initial Study” is now available for review and comments that must be submitted to NMUSD by May 23. Homeowners can download a copy of the study HERE.
Directors Tyler Woods and Ron Rubino are the Board Committee representing Eastbluff HOA for the project. They will conduct an Eastbluff HOA members workshop to discuss the project and get input from members on the proposed sports field changes and the impact on our community.
This proposed project will have a major impact on Eastbluff homes!
While improvements to the sports complex are needed and will enhance facilities for student athletes, potential negative impacts on Eastbluff and surrounding communities are of concern to residents. These issues and impacts could include:
Parking in Eastbluff tract
Noise from public address, bands/entertainment and attendees
Practice and event schedules (days and times) and proposed limitations
Event frequency
Use of facility by external groups
The HOA Board Committee seeks to work with homeowners, NCRG (a coalition of Eastbluff and Bluffs HOAs - see below) and the School District to identify potential impacts and work mitigate adverse effects on Eastbluff homeowners.
For more information and updates contact Directors Woods or Rubino
Daily Pilot April 6, 2016
A Scoping Meeting was held March 28, 2016
Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report
Corona del Mar High School Sports Field Project
Public Notice: The Newport-Mesa Unified School District (District) is the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed project identified below and will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to analyze potential environmental impacts that may result from the project.
This meeting was held in which comments received in anticipation of the preparation of the Draft EIR were summarized and the District’s approach in addressing those impact areas will be addressed in the EIR.
Eastbluff Board Members Tyler Woods and Ron Rubino prepared a report that will be posted in Members Only.
Report to Eastbluff
July 6, 2015
Representatives of our Eastbluff HOA and 7 Bluffs Associations representing about 1,500 homeowners formed the Newport Citizens for Responsible Growth (NCRG) in the fall of 2014 to attempt to speak with one voice and gain influence with the NMUSB concerning the expansion of the CDM sports facility. Phil Milner was named Chairman.
The school district funded part of the project included $7.4 million to add a new track, artificial field and to increase seating from 650 to 1,000. The CDM Boosters planned on raising additional funds passed through the CDM Foundation to add seating to 1,500 with a press box, field lighting, locker/changing rooms, bathrooms and snack bar.
Marhnelle Hibbard, Pam Milner and I met with the attorney, Stephen Miles, who represented Turtle Rock vs. University HS and Lake Forest residents vs. El Toro HS on their virtually unsuccessful efforts to constrain stadium developments in those neighborhoods. Litigation against the project appeared futile and expensive as there is nothing to litigate until the project goes through CEQA – and then it is too late to scale the project down unless other factors require it.
Instead, our strategy was to meet School Board members individually to try to inform them of the impact the proposed stadium/athletic facility would have on our neighborhood. We met with 5 of the School Board members individually (all except Karen Yelsey and Judy Franco who did not appear interested in our situation) before the School Board meeting to vote on the project. We tried to inform them of how CEQA works against making changes to the proposed elements of the “Plan” through “mitigation” as we learned from Stephen Miles. We wanted the Board members to know the hardships many of our residents around CDM High School will face if the full football complex was built. We made an effort to delay the vote on the scope of work until the Board could fully understand what they were voting on. We hoped to have the project scope reduced early before funding and design were completed.
We were successful at gaining the attention of several Board members who asked their staff pertinent questions during the discussion before the vote. Unfortunately for us, Staff is in favor of the project and failed to clearly outline for the Board how the system works. We failed to get the vote delayed and the School Board voted unanimously to go forward last December. The Newport-Mesa School Board approved the athletic facility concept including all elements of a potential stadium at the current football field site. This included additional elements of lighting, extra seating, snack bar, locker rooms funding from the CDM Foundation.
The Newport-Mesa Staff continued to tell the School Board they could count on CEQA to mitigate any environmental/nuisance issues affecting our neighborhood and the Bluffs. This approach was of little help to Turtle Rock and Lake Forest residents who watched every element in the preliminary design get built.
We considered legal actions, but there was little or nothing we could do at this point. We decided to continue our education of the School Board by having additional one-on-one meetings and continue speaking at the School Board meetings. We also researched other controversial stadium projects at high schools around California to see how these were handled. We found out that a few school districts had developed “Contracts with the Community” to limit the negative consequences of lighted stadium facilities within residential neighborhoods with usage agreements.
We continued our efforts to meet with School Board members, district staff and to continue speaking at School Board meetings. We kept the controversial issue of project scope in the public eye. Some School Board members began to sympathize with us and see our point of view and not just the wants of CDM HS boosters. I feel that the School Board now wants to balance the needs of teams to have fields to practice on against the disruption to our neighborhood. Because of our reasoned and cordial approach, our group, Newport Citizens for Responsible Growth (NCRG) has become a recognized voice for all of the homeowners around CDM High School.
While we were working to educate the School Board on our issues, the project that was originally proposed in late 2013 became further delayed. The CDM Foundation was not able to accept the MOU required by the School Board for funding the additional elements. Karen Yelsey was able to get the School Board to increase the school district budget for the project from $7.4 million to $8.2 million to include field lights. The balance of the project’s additional elements is now indefinitely delayed.
We have been told that the field lights were needed in order to have all teams able to practice on campus. Currently, girls lacrosse practices at Eastbluff Elementary School. We are further assured that no varsity football games will be played at the CDM HS facility. The NMUSD and Newport Beach City assured us years ago that no lights, night games or outside events would ever be held at the CDM Aquatic Center. All of those promises have been broken. This is the reason we want to develop a legally enforceable “Contract with the Community” including usage restrictions on the updated football field and running track. We have provided copies of several agreements and/or outlines of agreements regarding School District use agreements.
Developing a legally binding Contract restricting the amount of usage and times of use will be our focus for the next year. We have found that school boards may promise restrictions, but the next board may not honor prior board commitments. A legally binding contract or use agreement could assure that there are consequences to not honoring agreements. For example, in Malibu if the Malibu HS violates the number of times or extends events late, then they are prohibited from having home football games the next year.
We have 2 issues facing our success:
We will need the funds ($3k - $5k retainer) to hire Stephen Miles to draw up the legal document for a use agreement.
We must get the School Board to willingly agree to sign the agreement.